Thursday, February 3, 2011

One Foot In Narnia

This past week I have taken it upon myself to read the Chronicles of Narnia. Each book as exciting as the next, I read my way from the birth of a world to the end of it's mortal days. I found as I read, that I couldn't put it down and that I was drawn in by the parallels the book drew. Though I had read some of these books when I was younger, the entire series took on a new meaning reading it as an adult. Aslan, the creator of the world, was gentile, fierce, and untamable. When you saw Him, though you were afraid, you were drawn to him.

In one of the books, a great king died, and Aslan himself wept. Then he told a Son of Adam (a human boy from our world) to pierce his paw. And with a drop of his blood, brought the king to life into Aslan's country. Aslan was always guiding the children of Adam and Eve. Whether in their dreams, or by signs or by coming himself. At the end of all things, the last king of Narnia stood against an evil worse than any that had been on their world before. And when finally he had crossed through the door into Asland's land, the world came to an end. Aslan comanded Father Time to wake. He blew his horn and all the stars came out of the heavens to be with Aslan. Then every creature on their world came to Aslan's door, even those killed in the last battle were there. All had to look into the face of Aslan before they entered the door. Some looked into his face and felt anger and turned themselves into his shadow on the left and never came into Aslan's country. Others looked into his face and felt fear, and joy and entered the door on his right. Then when all had entered or refused to enter, the greenery of the earth was swallowed by dragons, then the Oceans and streams and rivers rose, and covered the whole earth. Then Father Time was commanded by Aslan to make an end. He took the blood red sun and squeezed it in his hand, and instantly there was darkness. High King Peter was commanded to shut the door to where the world Narnia had been.

Each of the creatures who had passed through the door ran further up and further into Aslan's country. The further they went the bigger the land got. Then they realized this was Narnia, but a brighter more beautiful Narnia. Aslan explained that the Narnia they were on was only a shadow of what was here in his land. As they went further up and further in, they came to Aslan's Garden, which was entered in by a golden gate. By invitation, the gates were opened and everyone invited in was greeted by those whom they had known before but had passed on. And each ate fruit that was in the garden. And then they proceeded to go further up and further in.

In reading the last book there was no doubt in my mind what C.S. Lewis had done. He had written these books so beautifully to reflect the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. Reading the last chapters of the last book I was moved to joyful tears at the reuniting with Aslan, and with those who had passed on. The grace and virtue of the Great Lion illuminated my heart. Those who seek for good, whether they know it or not, seek for Him. And he stands, waiting to be reunited with us.

1 comment:

  1. I love those books! I don't remember reading them when I was little, but two or so years ago after one of the movies came out, I decided that I really aught to read them. So I got them and fell in love with them. I completely agree that C. S. Lewis did an amazingly beautiful job at portraying what life will be like after this one ends. There are just SO many things in those books that absolutely amaze me. Anyway, yeah, fun books for kids, but phenomenal books for us adults.
