Friday, June 6, 2008

Jew-ya, weer ah you?!

Yesterday was so much fun! I got a call from my cousin that lives in Lees Summit. She didn't have work and she wanted to hang out. Heck yes! I'm always home bored so of course I said yes. Not to mention we hadn't seen eachother in...good grief...a long time. So Julia got the directions to my house and got here about 30-40 min later (after crossing the MO river 5 times lol). It was so much fun to have her here. After we ate lunch we got out the Bike trailer and went for a ride.

It's a lot more fun riding with another person. We just rode our bikes to target, chained them up and walked around the store for a while. We went to the books and read a few board books to the boys. They were getting WAY cranky so we decided to get them a snack and head out. As we were riding home we decided to stop at a thrift store. It wasn't a bad little store...but the isles were WAY to narrow. I couldn't get the trailer to go through half the store. We kept knocking stuff off shelfs too. It was pretty funny. And anywhere we would ride, if Julia got out of Mikey's sight he'd start yelling, "JEW-YA! Weer ah YOU!?!" over and over. Or he'd say "JEW-YA! Wha you doin'?" Which was really funny cause we'd been trying to get him to say Julia all day. And every time we'd ask him if he could say julia, he'd just nod his head yes. So it was fun when he started talking about her on the bike ride.

It was overcast all day...but no rain. So the ride was WONDERFUL. No hot sunshine on your face, and there was a good wind blowing. Really just a good day for a bike ride. Anyone who has been to our apartment knows that the driveway is a HUGE hill. Not so huge for a car maybe...but when your riding a bike and pulling a's a bit of a task. So wonderful Julia decided to trade me as we walked up the hill. She pulled my bike and the boys, and I pushed her bike up the hill. It was still a bit of work, but it was fun. I would have stayed out longer but I was pooped, and the boys were cranky. So we put the boys down for another nap, and we went inside.

Mostly today we just sat around and talked. It was actually a lot of fun. Then later, when daddy got home we went to go rent a movie...they didn't have anything good, so we just got some Chinese food and came home to eat. Right before we put the kids in bed Julia saw my T-Shirt pillow that I made from our Youth Conference T-Shirts. She started laughing and asked why I turned it into a pillow. I had some extra stuffing and I needed a pillow. So you sew up a shirt and stuff it. Then as we walked the kids to their room to put them in bed Julia looks at no.1 and says, "does your mommy stuff her shirts?" Haha I about died laughing! She didn't mean it to come out that way...but out that way it came. I was laughing so hard I had to sit down. After the boys were in bed we sat and talked for a while, and the whole shirt thing sprouted a few blond jokes, then there was some bad weather rolling in so we said our goodbyes. I hope she comes again soon. It was a lot of fun. And maybe next time we'll go swimming.

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